Imam Ibn Abdilbar (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“And the Muslim Scholars are in agreement that Allah (Exalted is He) does not ask his slaves on the Day of Judgement: Who is the best among my servants?

Or if so-and-so is better than so-and-so?

Neither is this from among what one will be asked about in the grave.

However, the Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings of Allah upon him) had praised some traits and commended some attributes, whoever is guided to them has surely attained virtue, and as much as he has from them he would be more virtuous in what is apparent than he who has not attained it, and whoever is negligent about them, he would not achieve in virtue the level of he who has attained them”


[1] Al-Istizkaar 5/107 – ibn Abd al-Bar

[2] Benefited from Br. Muhammad al-Khuder

«وقد أجمع علماء المسلمين أنّ الله تعالى لا يسأل عباده يوم الحساب: من أفضل عبادي؟

ولا هل فلانٌ أفضل مِنْ فلان؟ ولا ذلك مما يُسأل عنه أحدٌ في القبر، ولكنّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قد مدح خصالاً وحمد أوصافاً، من اهتدى إليها حاز الفضائل، وبقدر ما فيه منها كان فضله في ظاهر أمرِه على من لم يَنَلها، ومن قصر عنها لم يبلغ في الفضل منزلة من ناله».

الإمام ابن عبد البر -رحمه الله-

gold Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqeem